


1. 结构:排榜清晰美观,可以根据时间(如由近到远)和相关性排列

2. 语言:简洁,尽量用主动语态、动宾句式,主语在合适时尽量省略,少用过长的介词短语

3. 时态:以过去式为主,偶尔涉及现在时和将来时

4. 页数:1-2

5. 字体:用黑体字突出重点,大小要分类

6. 头衔,学位名字,学校,学院,课程,项目,奖项,论文title每个字的首字母要用大写,全部用斜体

7. 句:以无主句为主,即动宾结构,无句号。项目介绍,论文摘要以及一些特殊情况(例如对专有名词的解释)则需完整句子

8. 词: 以实义动词为核心关键词


1 Personal Information

2 Educational Background

3 Work/Internship Experiences

4 Extracurricular Activities

5 Honors & Awards

6 Hobbies/Other Skills

7 Papers & Publications

8 Research Experiences


Personal Information

· Name:

· Gender:

· Tel:

· E-mail:

· Add:

Education Background

2005-2009 Wuhan University (WHU)

· Major: Mathematical Finance

· Degree: Dual degree (Bachelor of Economics & Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics)

· GPA: 3.31/4.0 Ranking: 5%~10%

· Core Courses: Mathematical Analysis; Market and Equilibrium Theory; Intermediate Econometrics; International Finance, Options, Futures and Derivative Securities; Monetary Theory; Game Theory; Analysis of Time Series


1949年10月1日:01/10/1949; 10/01/1949; Oct. 1st, 1949

Work & Internship Experiences

8/2016-Present Intern, HR Department, 公司名

√ Assisted with recruitment

√ Collected and analyzed data

√ Helped organize 2010 campus recruitment of the company

Extracurricular Activities

02/2009 Cross-strait Exchange Winter Camp of Soochow University

√ Participated in the exchange activities among the cross-strait universities …

√ Visited famous scenery spots and universities of Taipei

03/23/2008 President , Department of Journalists, Student Union

√ Sought for interview opportunities for the website

√ Planned, prepared and organized interview activities of Econchina Society

Paper & Publications

10/2007 Enlightenment on the Mismatch of Trade Policy and Exchange Rate Regime of Argentina

Published in Chinese Business Review Oct. 2007, P.29/Oct. 2007: 29

Abstract: Last century, strategy of closed economy and mismatch of exchange rate regime implemented by Argentina government led to its unstable macro economy. This paper analyzes …

Key words: Trade Policy; Exchange Rate Regime; Mismatching

